The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara, who has been nominated for a multiple Emmy Awards for her comedic acting on the hit show “Modern Family”, in a blue ripped jeans arrives at a taping for America’s Got Talent in Pasadena.
Sofia Vergara's photos and outfits
Sofia Vergara in an Animal Print Suit Was Seen Out in Los Angeles 03/28/2021
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara in an animal print suit was seen out in Los Angeles.
Continue reading Sofia Vergara in an Animal Print Suit Was Seen Out in Los Angeles 03/28/2021
Sofia Vergara in a Blue Ripped Jeans Was Spotted Out in West Hollywood 03/03/2021
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara, who married actor Joe Manganiello in November 2015, in a blue ripped jeans was spotted out in West Hollywood.
Continue reading Sofia Vergara in a Blue Ripped Jeans Was Spotted Out in West Hollywood 03/03/2021
Sofia Vergara in a Blue Ripped Jeans Goes Shopping in Beverly Hills 02/26/2021
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara in a blue ripped jeans goes shopping in Beverly Hills.
Continue reading Sofia Vergara in a Blue Ripped Jeans Goes Shopping in Beverly Hills 02/26/2021
Sofia Vergara in a Camo Pants Was Seen Out in Beverly Hills 02/24/2021
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara, who has been nominated for a multiple Emmy Awards for her comedic acting on the hit show “Modern Family”, in a camo pants was seen out in Beverly Hills.
Continue reading Sofia Vergara in a Camo Pants Was Seen Out in Beverly Hills 02/24/2021
Sofia Vergara in a Black Outfit Arrives at Her Pilates Class in West Hollywood 02/23/2021
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara in a black outfit arrives at her pilates class in West Hollywood.
Sofia Vergara in a Blue Ripped Jeans Visits the Doctor’s Office in Los Angeles 02/20/2021
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara, who married actor Joe Manganiello in November 2015, in a blue ripped jeans visits the doctor’s office in Los Angeles.
Sofia Vergara in a Blue Jeans Was Seen Out in Los Angeles 12/05/2020
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara in a blue jeans was seen out in Los Angeles.
Continue reading Sofia Vergara in a Blue Jeans Was Seen Out in Los Angeles 12/05/2020
Sofia Vergara in a Blue Ripped Jeans Visits a Beauty Salon in Beverly Hills 11/29/2020
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara, who starred in the 2015 film “Hot Pursuit” alongside Reese Witherspoon, in a blue ripped jeans visits a beauty salon in Beverly Hills.
Sofia Vergara in a Protective Mask Arrives at a Medical Facility in Los Angeles 10/22/2020
The 48-year-old actress Sofia Vergara in a protective mask arrives at a medical facility in Los Angeles.