The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who became one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood, night out in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Night Out in New York City 02/14/2018
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who became one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood, night out in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Night Out in New York City 02/14/2018
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who released her first single “In My City” in 2012, leaves the Bottega Veneta Fashion Show during New York Fashion Week in New York City.
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra wears a leopard print coat in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Wears a Leopard Print Coat in New York City 02/07/2018
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who was cast as Alex Parrish in the ABC crime drama “Quantico”, wears a gold puffy coat with dark jeans on the set of “Quantico” in NYC.
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra on the set of “Quantico” in Central Park in NY.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra on the Set of Quantico in Central Park in NY 02/01/2018
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra at the Clive Davis and Recording Academy Pre-Grammy Gala and Grammy Salute to Industry Icons in New York.
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who became one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood, leaves the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Leaves the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City 01/24/2018
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra out for dinner in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Out for Dinner in New York City 01/17/2018
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who moved to the United States to live with her aunt at the age of 13, on the set of “Quantico” in Madison Square Park in Manhattan.
The 35-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who was cast as Alex Parrish in the ABC crime drama “Quantico”, was spotted out in NYC.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Was Spotted Out in NYC 01/11/2018