The 38-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who in 2015 was cast as Alex Parrish in the ABC crime drama “Quantico”, with Nick Jonas attends 2021 EE British Academy Film Awards at Royal Albert Hall in London.
Priyanka Chopra's photos and outfits
Priyanka Chopra in a Beige Coat Was Seen Out in London 02/28/2021
The 38-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a beige coat was seen out in London.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Beige Coat Was Seen Out in London 02/28/2021
Priyanka Chopra in a Purple Leggings Was Seen Out in London 02/19/2021
The 38-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who moved to the United States to live with her aunt at the age of 13, in a purple leggings was seen out in London.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Purple Leggings Was Seen Out in London 02/19/2021
Priyanka Chopra in a Black Knit Hat Was Seen Out with Nick Jonas in London 12/12/2020
The 38-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a black knit hat was seen out with Nick Jonas in London.
Priyanka Chopra in a Green Coat on the Set of Text for You in Meopham 12/04/2020
The 38-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who in 2015 was cast as Alex Parrish in the ABC crime drama “Quantico”, in a green coat on the set of “Text for You” in Meopham.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Green Coat on the Set of Text for You in Meopham 12/04/2020
Priyanka Chopra Attends the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards at Staples Center in Los Angeles 01/26/2020
The 37-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who moved to the United States to live with her aunt at the age of 13, attends the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards at Staples Center in Los Angeles.
Priyanka Chopra in a Beige Jacket Was Seen Out in Beverly Hills 01/07/2020
The 37-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a beige jacket was seen out in Beverly Hills.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Beige Jacket Was Seen Out in Beverly Hills 01/07/2020
Priyanka Chopra in a Short Gray Fur Coat Was Seen Out in Tribeca, NYC 12/20/2019
The 37-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who in 2018 married Nick Jonas, in a short gray fur coat was seen out in Tribeca, NYC.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Short Gray Fur Coat Was Seen Out in Tribeca, NYC 12/20/2019
Priyanka Chopra in a Gray Suit Was Seen Out in New York City 12/04/2019
The 37-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a gray suit was seen out in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Gray Suit Was Seen Out in New York City 12/04/2019
Priyanka Chopra in a White Pants Touches Down at Million Air Burbank in Los Angeles 10/28/2019
The 37-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who moved to the United States to live with her aunt at the age of 13, in a white pants touches down at Million Air Burbank in Los Angeles.