The 40-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who became one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood, attends 2022 Global Citizen Festival at Central Park in New York.
Priyanka Chopra's photos and outfits
Priyanka Chopra Attends Bulgari’s New High Jewellery Eden: the Garden of Wonders in Paris 06/06/2022
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra attends Bulgari’s New High Jewellery “Eden: the Garden of Wonders” in Paris.
Priyanka Chopra in a Pink Jumpsuit Was Seen Out with Nick Jonas in Los Angeles 05/22/2022
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who in 2018 married Nick Jonas, in a pink jumpsuit was seen out with Nick Jonas in Los Angeles.
Priyanka Chopra in a Green Shorts Was Seen Out with Nick Jonas in Los Angeles 04/26/2022
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a green shorts was seen out with Nick Jonas in Los Angeles.
Priyanka Chopra in a Black Outfit Leaves the A.O.C. Restaurant in Los Angeles 04/02/2022
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who became one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood, in a black outfit leaves the A.O.C. restaurant in Los Angeles.
Priyanka Chopra Leaves Nobu Restaurant Out with Nick Jonas in Malibu 02/20/2022
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra leaves Nobu Restaurant out with Nick Jonas in Malibu.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra Leaves Nobu Restaurant Out with Nick Jonas in Malibu 02/20/2022
Priyanka Chopra in a Red Pantsuit Arrives at ABC Studio in New York City 12/16/2021
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who in 2018 married Nick Jonas, in a red pantsuit arrives at ABC Studio in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a Red Pantsuit Arrives at ABC Studio in New York City 12/16/2021
Priyanka Chopra in a White Pants Was Seen Out in New York City 12/14/2021
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a white pants was seen out in New York City.
Continue reading Priyanka Chopra in a White Pants Was Seen Out in New York City 12/14/2021
Priyanka Chopra in a Black Protective Mask Arrives at JFK Airport in New York City 09/15/2021
The 39-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who became one of the highest paid actresses in Bollywood, in a black protective mask arrives at JFK Airport in New York City.
Priyanka Chopra in a Neon Green Pants Arrives at the Opening of Her New Indian Restaurant Sona in New York 06/25/2021
The 38-year-old Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in a neon green pants arrives at the opening of her new Indian Restaurant Sona in New York.