The 34-year-old Mexican actress Melissa Barrera, known for her starring role as Lyn in the show “Vida”, in a grey coat filming scenes for her new TV series “Copenhagen” in Toronto.
Melissa Barrera's photos and outfits
Melissa Barrera Attends The Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas 11/17/2022
The 32-year-old Mexican actress Melissa Barrera attends The Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas.
Continue reading Melissa Barrera Attends The Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas 11/17/2022
Melissa Barrera Attends the Premiere of Carmen During 2022 Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto 09/11/2022
The 32-year-old Mexican actress Melissa Barrera, who had a lead role in the 2021 musical drama “In the Heights”, attends the premiere of “Carmen” during 2022 Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto.
Melissa Barrera Attends the Scream Premiere in Los Angeles 01/07/2022
The 31-year-old Mexican actress Melissa Barrera, known for her starring role as Lyn in the show “Vida”, attends the “Scream” premiere in Los Angeles.
Continue reading Melissa Barrera Attends the Scream Premiere in Los Angeles 01/07/2022